Our Investment Approach

The Income Model is a strategy that seeks to focus on income through a diverse portfolio of fixed income and fixed income-like equity positions.  

Our income first, growth second approach generates renewable income streams that can fund recurring retirement expenses while seeking to help preserve and grow investment principal over the long-term. It’s a sound, long-term investment strategy that eliminates the need to rely on the 4% withdrawal rule. 

Why? Because your clients are earning the interest and dividends, and not withdrawing principal, which is really the only way for them to know that their retirement savings will last a lifetime.  

To accomplish this, we avoid mutual funds and focus on individual, income-generating securities that can be customized and managed for specific client investment needs.

Advantages of individual securities include better: 

Let Us Help You Grow

Whether you need an RIA or Money Management, we have the knowledge, experience, and the tools to help you grow and differentiate yourself from the competition in your area.